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I'm truly hopeful that you find something beneficial within. Something that will inspire you, intrigue you, motivate you, or even upset you (to the point it drives you to go out and find answers or reasonings to the upset). So, please check out the resources, below and sign up for my newsletter in order to stay up-to-date on what's happening in the future! And, as always, "Be Well".

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Book Release News & "F*ck Fibro!" Blog Link

Heya Reader! Both with Mother's Day approaching, AND May 12th being Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, it should come as no surprise (especially given the many very close connections I have who struggle with Fibro) that I've chosen to write this week's blog article around the awareness (and yes, mostly 'sciency', I get...but you know that's me by now). In addition, I'm both somewhat uncomfortable and wildly excited to share that I've published my first (short) book on Kindle/Amazon! I've been...

DNA strand in a variety of vibrant blues

Heya Reader! Why 'Educate or Medicate'? If you've been following me any amount of time, you already know that I'm absolutely NOT an 'anti-meds' guy. That said, I'm also not 'pro-meds for life' (especially given I know it's rarely necessary, AND I stay on top of side-effects of most medications, long-term complications, etc.). Today's article (and this subsequent mailer) isn't meant to in any way make you feel 'less than' for following a prescribed regimen. Not at all. What I was wanting to...

Heya, Reader! I had such a great time chatting with my super-cool friend and colleague; Kiki Athanas's audience this past Tuesday afternoon! We jumped back thousands upon thousands of years in understanding DNA (and my current work in genomic testing and analysis), to 2400 years ago to Hippocrates, and to Galen almost 1800 years ago. With that bit of history understood, we were then able to bring everyone back to our modern-day, scientific understanding of the gut-brain axis / connection, and...

Heya Reader! As someone who suffered at the hands (or butt) of IBS most of my life until just these past few years of intentional work in holistically, functionally correcting my gut health, I can fully appreciate (hence this week's article) that it's IBS Awareness Month (here in Canada, at least). "Bottom Line? Really? Well, no pun intended for those of us who've experienced a 'bottom' that's been less-than happy with us for not acting sooner in finding optimal gut health! LOL!" - Joe...

Heya, Reader! Joe here, and this week I'd wanted to share with you some insights on the science of sleep. Living in the world of today as we do, we often think we need to sacrifice sleep to get (or 'stay') ahead, or we're struggling enough with health, stress, and the worry of 'tomorrow' enough that sleep eludes us. Sadly this supposed suggestion of sacrificing couldn't be based further away from the truth of health data. In fact, I'd argue that getting adequate sleep is crucial for optimal...